Saturday, June 28, 2014

Life's a beach

10 reasons my little ones love the beach:
1) Joey loves sharks.
2) The twins love being carried like kings over the sand in their stroller. 
3) Joey enjoys playing in the really big sand box. 
4) Matteo loves to dig and dig. 
4) Luca thinks he's a fish.
5) All of them like to watch the surfers wipe-out. 
6) Joey can see dragons from the "spy glass." 
7) Matteo thinks the sand is his lunch. 
8) Luca likes to chase the waves at the shore. 
9) Matteo likes to sit on the shore and let the waves chase him.
10) Joey loves to splish & splash. 

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

The best things in life are free

These women are three of my favorite people on the planet. Spending time with them is the most safe I feel outside of my own home. We had the privilege of living on the same street for three indescribable years. We have spent countless late nights listening, laughing, and crying together. So when we had the chance to reunite, I wanted to freeze time. Naturally we had loads of fun catching up. By the end of our stay, we once again had laughed and cried our way through the week. Their friendship means the world to me. 

Until next time...