Our little peanut is six weeks old. He has been going to the doctors for weekly weight checks. We were told he wasn't gaining weight at the preferred rate for a newborn. He weighed 7 lbs 10 oz at birth. He lost about a pound before we went home from the hospital. At his four week check up, he was only 7 lbs 4 oz. I quickly learned that my baby wasn't getting enough calories. He would latch on and then quickly fall asleep at the breast. I was constantly having to wake him to get him to finish his feed. In the meantime, my milk would be all over the place and not in his stomach. After consulting with a lactation specialist, I decided to pump every other feed and give it to him in a bottle in order to monitor his intake. She also taught me new nursing styles and helped me to feel confident and comfortable in those positions. Within a week he had gained one pound. After two weeks he now weighs 9 lbs 4 oz. One thing is certain, it's never too late to learn new tricks. I've nursed four children and none of them have been the same.
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