Being a mom requires 100% of my energy at all hours of the day. I've found that I can get so caught up in my three sons happiness and comfort, that I forget to take care of me. In fact, there are days I forget to eat anything at all. Some days when my husband walks in the door and gives me a kiss, I realize I haven't even brushed my teeth. Something has to change! When I stumbled upon the Service Collaboration, I knew I had to join in. This year is all about selfless service unto others.
The theme for January is to Serve Yourself.
I completely agree that this is the best place to start. In order for me to be the best mom I can be, I need to also remember ME. Easier said than done! I think sometimes when we think service project, it has to be some huge thing. It DOES NOT have to be that way. Money is tight right now with my husband in law school, so I had to get creative. I haven't been feeling very put together lately. I decided I needed a makeover, so I invited my most fashionable friend, Izzy Harris, into my closet. She had me try on things I would've never thought to pair up. I was AMAZED by the outcome! I now have a dozen "new" outfits to wear and am feeling confident. (pictures to come)
I also came up with the "One night a week challenge." This is where I made it a priority to have at least one girls night a week, after the kids go to bed. Whether it was going to a friends house to watch The Bachelor, getting frozen yogurt at Sweet Frog, or seeing a movie at The Hoffman Center. I cannot tell you how much it made a difference in my week. It had been so long since I'd eaten frozen yogurt that I'd actually forgotten how delicious it could be. My friend and I sampled half a dozen flavors to make sure we made the right choice. It was in that moment that I realized I hadn't eaten frozen yogurt without a little person asking for a bite in years. I didn't have to rush. No, in fact, I ate slowly and savored every flavor of my Sweet Frog cake batter and red velvet frozen yogurt with a smorgasbord of toppings. Oh the little things...
Taking the time to serve myself has shown me that I matter. In order for me to be present in my other relationships, I must be present in my own. E' vero!
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