Thursday, February 20, 2014

A Mother's Tip for Surviving the Winter

My tip for surviving a DC winter is to involve my little ones in play dates and play groups. It's never easy to get everyone ready and out of the house on my own. Truthfully, I dread it! But I know it is necessary to have my little boys interact socially with other kids their same age. Once we actually get to play group (we're always late), it is nice to be around the other mommies. Being around these women is therapeutic. I know that every adult in the room can relate to my insane life. I don't have to feel guilty for being late or forgetting something important from the diaper bag. All the mommies are more than understanding of the troubles motherhood can bring. If I'm tending to one of the twins, and another one of my children has a breakdown, which is inevitable, one of the moms will come to my rescue. I appreciate Tuesday morning play group because it forces me to get out of the house and realize that there is a whole world that exists outside the four walls of our town home. I would not survive without play group. 

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