Tuesday, February 11, 2014


I attended our Stake Relief Society Conference on Saturday. 

The theme was "Hope Smiling Brightly Before Us." 

It was a privilege to hear from the keynote speaker, Sister Erlynn Lansing. She shared inspiring stories from her life experiences. I also was able to attend the various workshops. There were different panel discussions on "How to physically and mentally over come difficult times," and, "How to be spiritually prepared for life's unexpected trials." I was inspired to hear from such strong women. It is evident they've had to combat some great difficulty in their lives. It put life into perspective. What resonated was that I have all that I need. I am blessed to have healthy kids, a great husband, and a promising future. I remember my dear mission president used to say, the success of your mission is determined by your children and your children's children. Isn't that the truth. Every day I have to remind myself to be patient and loving with my children, so that they will be patient and loving with each other. Life is not easy, but I am grateful for these times. I don't want to miss out on a single second of my boys lives. They're kind of awesome!

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